Have You Always Wanted To Make Quilts With Your Own Designs or Artwork?
Now You can make Quilts "Just the Way" you have always wanted to. No longer do you have to be satisfied with using other people's designs or artwork. You can use Your Own...and it is Easy, Fast, Very Inexpensive and YOU Can Do It! And You can do it in Just Minutes!
Quilt Blocks Shown in the Video Below!
Take a look at these New Quilt Painting Stencils. Until now you've been limited to simple artwork and letters that you could purchase at the local craft store. But now, You can Create Your Own Custom Stencils Simply by using Your Computer and one of the New Stencil Makers (shown below!) Do You have a really great idea for a quilt, but you just don't have the time to find the "Perfect" designs at the Craft Store? Just create whatever pattern you like on Your Computer, Quickly make a Stencil (As shown on the Home Page) and use Any Color Fabric Paint to stencil it onto the Fabric in Seconds! It's that Simple!

How Does It Work?
You simply create your artwork, design or text, anything you can imagine, on your own computer. Print it out onto a transparency sheet (which is included in each kit!) Then use the new Stencil Makers (Shown Below) to turn the transparency into a stencil, in just 3 minutes! And You'll be able to reuse that one stencil hundreds of times, making it possible to create quilt squares, matching towel sets, aprons, tote bags, or anything else your heart desires! You can even put the fabric through the washer safely!
What Will It Work On?
Use your stencil with fabric paint to create Easily Repeatable Designs on Any Fabric with a smooth weave, including cotton, polyester, silk, and lots of specialty fabrics! For even more ideas for what to do with your stencils, click on any of the links in the bar on the left. You can use your stencil for everything from creating scrapbooks, to etching your glassware, to making Christmas Gifts, and literally Thousands of Others! In fact, not only can you use your stencils to make Fabulous Quilts, You will find that this is the Best Craft Kit you have ever seen. You can simply let your ideas run wild and paint, print or etch things you have never even thought of before. Just look over this website for hundreds of other ideas You can use!
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What Will It Do For You?
You can create the artwork that you've always wanted to do in minutes at very little cost! You can use that same artwork over and over again without re-creating it. This will Save You Tons of Time and Money, whether you are doing full production runs, or just creating small gifts for a wedding party. There isn't anything else like this on the market, so This is a Great Time to get in on Something That Is NEW!. Look at the DIRECTIONS BELOW to see how Incredibly Simple and Easy it is.
How To Stencil On Quilt Squares
Now you can Paint Quilt Squares with your own Custom Designs or Artwork in Minutes. Just follow the instructions on the Home Page to create your Custom Stencil. Then follow the steps below. |
1. Make Your Stencil As Shown On Home Page. |
Here is the way your stencil will look after you have exposed, developed and dried it like shown on the Home Page. Now it is ready for use. You can use it as it is or put a Oak Frame around it. (To find out about the Oak Frames check below). |
2. Place The Stencil. |
Place the stencil on the fabric to be stenciled. Be very careful with the alignment of your stencil and line up your copy exactly where you want the design to go. The stencil must lay flat on the fabric in order to keep the paint from bleeding under the edges. |
3. Apply The Paint. |
If you do not use a frame simply hold the stencil in place with two fingers on left hand side as shown. Apply the paint to the edge of the squeegee and pull it across the copy in one smooth stroke using light to medium hand pressure. Check to be sure that the light parts of stencil are completely filled with the paint color before you remove the stencil. |
4. Carefully Remove the Stencil. |
It's important that you lift the stencil straight up off the fabric to keep it from smearing. In this picture, the stencil is being lifted from just one edge, while the other side of the stencil is held in place by your fingers until it is free from the stencil. |
5. Enjoy Your Painting! |
It's that simple! You can print Quilt Squares or Anything Else like this in just Seconds with one Quick and Easy Stroke and Anyone can Do It. Now Enjoy your custom stencil work! Make sure to wash and dry the stencil, so you'll be able to use it Hundreds of times. If you want your fabric to be washable, just wait for the paint to dry, lay a piece of scrap cloth or paper over the paint, and iron for about 5 minutes. This will heat set the paint so that it won't bleed or fade in the washer. |
There you have it...A New Stencil Making System that will open up a world of Great New Possibilities for you and allow you to use Your Talent and Ideas to have a lot of Fun and make some real Money if you wish. You are only limited by your own Imagination and Energy. So now is the time to let your Artistic Ideas flow and enjoy creating things you have put off before as too much work....especially if the artwork had to be repeated over and over again or was quite complicated. This new system cuts through all of that and Frees You up to "Multiply" yourself if you are creating any item or artwork that needs to be "Produced" in almost any amount.
Now you can really Enjoy your Quilting or Crafts knowing that you are Saving Time, Money and a Ton of Work using these New Stencils and also knowing that many New Ideas are now open to you. So take a few moments and examine this site and consider all of the ideas that you can easily use and
Be Sure And Take Advantage of the Special Low Prices on these New Kits during this Limited Time Offer. Simply decide on the actual Size of the Stencil you may want to use....such as 5"x 6" or 6"x 8" or 10"x 12" and let that help you decide on the kit you will find the most Economical for You.
Note: Besides the Stencil Maker Kit you will probably need Acrylic Paint, Squeegees and probably some Frames. We have tested almost all brands of paint and you will find the best ones here and at very low prices. Also we have tested Plastic and Wood Frames and the Oak Frames shown below are by far the Best.
Order Your Stencil-Maker Kit Now While These Low Prices Last!
(Makes Stencils Up to 4"x 6")
- 1 UV Exposure Unit in Aluminum Frame Measuring 5"x6"x12" High with Electric Cord, Switch and Special 365 Nanometer Ultra-Violet Bulb (120 Watts)
- 1 Aluminum Exposure Tray with Compression Foam and Glass Top.
- 1-16oz. Bottle Stencil Developer
- 1 Plastic Developing Tray with Lid.
- 2 White Developer Sponges.
- 1 Digital Timer.
- 5 Unexposed Universal Stencils 5"x6".
- 2 FREE Samples of Universal Stencils FOR PRACTICE.
- 5 Sheets Transparency Film For Your Copy (8 1/2"x 11")
- 1 Sample Glass Etching Kit with Etching Cream
- Complete Instructions.

Industrial Price $249.95
Order Today At Only $203.95!

(Makes Stencils Up To 6"x 8")
- 1 UV Exposure Unit measuring 6"x8"12" High with a 1000 Hour Special UV Bulb, cord & switch.
- 1 Exposure Tray with Glass Top
- 1-16oz. Stencil Developer
- 1 Developing & Curling Tray
- 2 White Sponges
- 1 Digital Timer
- 5 Unexposed Universal Stencils 6"x8".
- 2 FREE Sample TEST Stencils (for practice)
- Complete Instructions
- 1 Sample Glass Etching Kit with Etching Cream

Industrial Price $349.95
Order Today At Only $299.95!

(Makes Stencils Up To 10"x 12")
- 1 UV Exposure Unit Measuring 10"x12"x12" High with a 1000 Hour Special UV Bulb, Cord & Switch.
- 1 Exposure Tray with Glass Top.
- 2 White Sponges
- 1-16oz. Stencil Developer
- 1 Digital Timer
- 5 Unexposed Stencils 10"x12"
- Complete Instructions
- 1 Sample Glass Etching Kit with Etching Cream

Regular Price $399.95
Order Today At Only $359.95!

Wood Handled Squeegees
These New Squeegees are Perfect for use with your Universal Stencils on almost Any Material.
3" Wide Squeegee @ $5.95 ea... Order Now
4" Wide Squeegee @ $7.95 ea... Order Now
6" Wide Squeegee @ $11.95 ea. Order Now
Pak of All Three - $21.95 Per Pak Order Now
We Have Tested Most Acrylic Paints And These Are The Best!
Acrylic Paint Starter Kit
Four Colors, Red, Blue, Yellow & Black
Here is the Best Acrylic Paint to use with New Stencils.
Only $16.99 Regular Price
On Special Today At Only $14.99 Order Now
This is a water-base, non-toxic, non-clogging, highly opaque ink for cartons, cardboard, signs, paper, wood, posters, and fine art prints. Do not use on metal, plastic, or fabrics that are to be laundered. (Paint in Larger containers available on request)
Fabric Paint Starter Kit
Six Colors, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black & White
Here is the Best Fabric Paint For Use With New Stencils.
Only $23.95 Regular Price
On Special Today At Only $19.95 Order Now
Important Note: These Water-Base Textile Screen Printing Inks are great for light-colored cotton, linen, blends, polyester, rayon, and other synthetic fibers (except nylon). Use the process colors for 4-color process printing. These textile inks can also be applied to tote canvas bags, aprons, T-shirts, etc. All garments should be pre-washed and the process pre-tested before a production run. After printing, allow to dry and then heat set with a household iron at medium setting for 5 minutes. (Larger Paint Sizes Available.) |
Finished (Extra Strong) Solid Oak Stencil Frames
See Today's Special On Package of Three and Save $4.90
3/4" x 6 1/2" x 8 1/2" (For 6"x 8" Stencils)........@ $ 6.95 Each.. Order Now
3/4"x 8 1/2"x 10 1/2" (For 8"x 10" Stencils)..... @ $ 8.95 Each.. Order Now
3/4"x 10 1/2"x 12 1/2" (For 10"x 12" Stencils)..@ $10.95 Each.. Order Now
Pak Of All Three Save $4.90 @ $ 21.95 Ea. Package of Three Order Now
This can be used with Both of the Paints listed above to keep the stencil from clogging after continued use and to make it easier to clean the stencil after use. It is recommended for use if you are doing long run printing on either fabric or most other materials.
8 Ounce Bottle Regular Price $ 9.95
On Sale Today @ $8.95 Order Now
Here Is A Great Way To Get Started! 
We Can Make Custom Stencils For You With Your Artwork, Designs or Text Copy So You Can "Try Out" These New Universal Stencils. All You Do Is Make Up Your Copy on Your Computer And Email It To Us. (Note: It MUST BE Ready To Photograph And Make A Stencil From. We Can NOT Re-do Your Artwork) But You Can "Gang" Your Copy or Designs To Get Maximum Use Out Of Your Stencil. Then You Can Cut Out Individual Stencils To Use Any Way You Wish. If This Is Not Clear to You Simply Call Us and We Will Explain How To Do This.
Email Us Your Artwork For A Quote sales@stencil-maker.com
Size |
Price Each |
Duplicate |
4"x5" |
$19.60 |
$9.60 |
5" X 6" |
$24.40 |
$14.40 |
6" X 8" |
$33.00 |
$23.00 |
8 1/2 " X 11" |
$54.50 |
$44.50 |
Be sure to Check Back with This Stencil Maker Page for Refreshing New Ideas with Quilt Painting and Custom Stencils.